GEO5 utilizes 3D subsoil models to enhance project understanding and collaboration in geotechnical engineering. By integrating detailed geological data into a unified 3D environment through the Stratigraphy program, engineers can accurately simulate site conditions, visualize geological profiles and cross-sections, and perform precise geotechnical calculations.
This capability extends to modeling earthworks and simulating construction (structures) scenarios effectively, thereby improving the accuracy of initial designs and facilitating seamless data exchange with other construction phases and disciplines.
Includes all 38 GEO5 computer software programs
(Data Collector free mobile app is available on Google Play and App Store)
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Data Collector (App)
Add points of interest to construction site (boreholes and tests)
Description of the geological layer of the borehole
Info about sample from borehole core
Define data using Stratigraphy templates
Linked to Google Maps and GPS
Attach photos, videos and audio recordings, voice to text
Available for FREE for Android and iOS
Point Cloud
Data import in LAS, LAZ, E57 formats
Remove objects, reduce vegetation, and noise reduction
Define construction site boundaries and crop the point cloud
Change coordinates of point cloud
Display of colored images, altitude, and LIDAR intensity
Export points, construction site, and orthophoto to Stratigraphy, and resulting points in LAS and TXT format
Tests processing: Particle Size Distribution, Atterberg Limits, Proctor Compaction Test, California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR), Permeability Test, Oedometer Test, Shear Box Test, Unconfined Compression Test (for soil and rock), Triaxial Tests: Unconsolidated Undrained (UU), Consolidated Undrained (CU) Consolidated Drained (CD), Plate Load Test
Add formulas, protocols and tests, edit templates
Customizable report structure
Import field test formats: AGS, TXT, UNI, CPT, GEF… and more
Process results from site: boreholes, wells, and field tests (CPT, DPT, SPT, DMT, PMT)
Field tests into geological soil profiles: 2D and 3D subsoil geological models — horizontal or inclined layers, faults, erosion, lenses, landslides
Export cross sections and geological profiles, IFC and LandXML formats supported
Import geological maps connected to Google Maps
Stratigraphy – Logs
Geological data reporting: boreholes, wells, tests: SPT, CPT, DMT, DPT, PMT
Database of pre-defined templates and creation of custom templates
Automatic creation of soils catalogues during input of boreholes
Many types of casing, annular fills and head types for wells
Export to PDF, DWG, DXF, MS Word, etc...
Protocol header customization
Pattern and color shade catalog
Stratigraphy – Cross Sections
Generation of straight and curved (polyline shape) geological cross-sections (including faults and lenses) with viewing of field tests and soil profiles
Drawings of structures, auxiliary lines and user's descriptions
Definition of the geotechnical soil types and groups
Input of different ground water levels
Display field test results or user-defined data for each layer
Export formats: PDF, DXF, DWG
Stratigraphy – Earthworks
Gradual Earthwork modelling
Input terrain using point cloud or by defining earthworks
Earthwork inputs: fill, excavate or both
Calculation of: earthwork or terrain movement volumes, earthworks against previous stages or original state, change of the water volume above the terrain, excavation volumes of individual soils considering bulking
Modelling of foundation pits, roads, railways, quarries, slopes
Earth Pressures
Active, passive, and at-rest earth pressures, and in overconsolidated soils and in effective and total parameters
Surcharges loads: strip, trapezoidal, concentrated
Water modeling around structures, and artesian water
Geometry of terrain and earth wedge shape behind the structure (vertical, skew)
Absi, Sokolovski, M-B, C-K, SP 22.13330, Mazindrani, Coulomb
Earthquake: Mononobe-Okabe, Chinese standards, Arrango
Ground Loss
Shape analysis of subsidence trough above excavations
Building damage due to settlement and rotation
Subsidence trough analysis: Peck, Limanov, and Fazekas theories or Volume Loss Method (with VL and k values)
Estimate subsidence trough shape, settlement, gradient and horizontal strains using Gauss or Aversin methods.
Simulate subsidence effects of sequential excavation and multiple tunnel tubes
Vertical settlement and Consolidation analysis under embankments, foundations, dams and surface loads
Surcharges: strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load
Janbu, Buismann, Soft soil, compression index/coefficient, Ladd's secondary settlement
Affected zone: structural strength theory, geostatic stress, incompressible subsoil
Oedometer modulus from the loading curve; results for individual berms
Slope Stability
Slope stability analysis (polygonal/circular slip surface) for embankments, earth cuts, anchored retaining structures, MSE walls, etc.
Analyses methods: Bishop, Fellenius/Petterson, Spencer, Morgenstern-Price, Sarma, Janbu, Shahunyanc, ITFM
Material models: Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown
Verification analysis (limit states, factor of safety)
Rapid draw down analysis, tensile cracks
Slope Stability – Water Flow
Pore pressures analyses: steady-state and transient groundwater seepage, pressure distribution, inflow/outflow, flow velocities and ground water table
Unsaturated zone models: log-linear, Van Genuchten, Gardner
Material parameters (Unified Soil Classification System)
Boundary conditions: impermeable/permeable line, prescribed pore pressure and inflow/outflow, seepage surface
Partially permeable interfaces (contacts) and beams
Analysis of foundation beams on elastic subsoil foundation using Winkler-Pasternak model
Subsoil parameters C1 and C2 are automatically calculated, leveraging the deformation properties of layered soils
Automatic generation of load combinations according to Eurocode EN 1990 (EC 0), including load types such as force, moment, strip, trapezoidal, and deformation loads
Built-in soils and rocks database
Design of foundation mats (rafts) and slabs supported on elastic subsoil or piles
Modeling of subsoil or pile foundations beneath the slab
Concentrated or distributed supports (fixed or spring)
Winkler-Pasternak model (subsoil parameters C1 and C2)
Calculation of required reinforcement to verify bending and shear capacity (dimensioning) of the slab
Slab deformation
Finite element meshing
Spread Footing
Vertical and horizontal bearing capacity, footing settlement and rotation
Longitudinal and shear reinforcement (punching).
Shapes - centric, eccentric, strip footing, circular, stepped centric/eccentric/circular, spread footing with haunch
Modelling: sand-gravel bed, water, friction base-soil
Load eccentricity for bearing capacity and settlement
Spread footing in tension (standard, cone method, etc.)
Spread Footing CPT
Automatic design of dimensions of spread footing foundation based on field tests: CPT, SPT, PMT
Bearing capacity methods: Meyerhof, Schmertmann, Skempton, NF P94-261
Settlement analysis methods: Schmertmann, NAVFAC DM7, NF P94-261
Inclined shape of ground
Inclined footing bottom
Verification of load eccentricity
Built-in classification of soils (Robertson 1986 or 2010)
Cantilever Wall
Verify cantilever retaining wall design (EN 1997-1, LRFD, limit states, factor of safety)
Analyze internal stability: overturning, slip, bearing capacity of foundation soil
Design and verify reinforced concrete cross-sections (EC 2, BS 8110, IS456, CSN, PN)
Front face resistance in front of the structure (at rest, passive, reduced passive)
Foundation below (strip footing, piles)
Berms in front of the structure
Masonry Wall
Design and analyze reinforced masonry block wall (EN 1997-1, LRFD, limit states, factor of safety)
Dimensioning (EN 1996-1-1, AS 3700)
Internal stability analysis (overturning, slip, bearing capacity of foundation soil)
Check concrete cross-sections (AS 3600, EC 2, BS 8110, IS456, CSN, PN)
Surcharges (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load); inserted forces (anchors, safety fences)
Prefab Wall
Generation of panels with preliminary wall design
Overturning and slip verification
Analysis of 2D cross sections
Final wall with different types of blocks (any specific size)
Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards)
Possibility to consider minimum dimensioning pressure
Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters
Supports mesh overhangs with anchorage
Gabion wall design: analyze any structure shapes including geogrids anchoring
Verification analysis (EN 1997-1, LRFD, or classical approach: limit states, factor of safety)
Checking gabion material (rock)
Supports mesh overhangs with anchorage
Overturning and slip verification
Bearing capacity verification
Global stability verification
Modelling of water in front of and behind structures, modelling of artesian water
Gravity Wall
Design of gravity retaining walls, with built-in database of soil parameters, layered soil
Verify concrete cross-sections, standards: EC 2, BS 8110, IS456, CSN, PN
Verify stone masonry structures (EC 6, GB 50030-2011)
Modelling of anchors
Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters
Analysis of internal stability (overturning, slip, bearing capacity of foundation soil
Foundation: strip footing, piles
MSE Wall
Verify Mechanically Stabilized Earth walls and segmental retaining walls reinforced by geogrids (georeinforcements)
Fortrac, Tensar, Miragrid, KB-grid, Acegrid, Secugrid, Enkagrid, Paralink, Paragrid
Verify: fictitious wall against slip and overturning; bearing capacity; internal stability for extensible/inextensible reinforcements; global stability at circular slip surface; etc., etc.
slopes: prefabricated blocks, simple slope, slope with berms
Redi-Rock Wall
Design retaining walls using Redi-Rock wall system (USA)
Calculation of MSE walls with Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) blocks and Mirafi geogrids
Redi-Rock Inc. database of blocks and setbacks
Verify: wall against slip and overturning, slip on geogrid, tensile and pull-out resistance of georeinforcement, internal stability for extensible and inextensible reinforcements (AASHTO, FHWA NHI-10-024, Chinese standards, BS 8006...)
Nailed Slope
Design soil nail walls and slopes with shotcrete cover or steel mesh
Dimensioning and verification of concrete cover
Analysis of slopes protected by meshes
Internal stability analysis (overturning, slip, bearing capacity of foundation soil)
Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters
Stability verification of stepped nailed walls along straight or polygonal slip surface
Rock Stability
Analysis of stability of rock slopes and walls, including a planar (straight) or polygonal slip surface or rock wedge
Models: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown and Barton-Bandis
Smooth, undulated or stepped plane slip surface
Overhangs of rock face for 3D wedge
Modelling of water in joints and tension cracks, forces due to water on (internal) slip surface
Rock wedge stereographic projection (Markland´s test plot)
Design bridge abutments including wing walls
Check the abutment for overturning, translation, bearing capacity of foundation soil and dimensioning of decisive or reinforced concrete sections (including wings)
Verify concrete cross-sections, standards: EC 2, BS 8110, IS456, CSN, PN
Verification of construction joints and wall keys
General shape of terrain behind the structure
Pile analysis: vertical bearing capacity (tension/compression), pile settlement, horizontal bearing capacity
Pile technology (bored, driven, CFA piles)
Cross-section: rectangle, I, cross, tube, steel or timber
Modulus of subsoil reaction along the pile length (Vesic, Matlock and Reese, CSN, constant or linear distribution)
Horizontal (Broms, p-y) and shear bearing capacity
Negative Skin Friction
Pile CPT
Pile bearing capacity according to (static) cone penetration test (CPT): LCPC (Bustamante), NEN 6743, EN 1997-2, Schmertmann, and standard penetration tests (SPT): Décourt-Quaresma, Aoki-Velloso
Circular or rectangular pile cross-section (with the option of base enlargement)
Import formats: TXT, gINT, AGS, NEN standard
Load-Settlement Curve
Analysis of the pile group according to the CPTs
Anti-Slide Pile
Designing pile walls for stabilizing slopes
Internal forces on pile, pile deformation and displacement
Dimensioning of reinforced concrete and steel cross-sections
Pressure reduction coefficient for soldier piles
Rock bearing capacity for piles fixed in the rock
Internal stability of anchors
Modulus of subsoil reaction (Schmitt, Ménard, Chadeisson, NF P 94, CUR 155)
Verification of steel tube or rod micropiles
Micropile bearing capacity, verify both the root and shaft
Buckling failure: equation of bending of a prismatic beam (geometric method), After Salas, After Souch
Verification of the micropile cross-section adjusted for projected lifetime
Micropile root verification methods: Bustamante (SPT, Pressiometer Ménard), Lizzi, Littlejohn, Zweck, Bowles, Véas
Pile Group
Analyze pile raft foundation with a rigid pile cap, analytical or spring (FEM) methods
Floating, rested or fixed piles
Vertical bearing capacity in cohesive soil (FHWA standards) and in cohesionless soil (NAVFAC DM 7.2, Effective stress, CSN 73 1002)
Reduction of vertical bearing capacity (UFC 3-220-01A, La Barré, Seiler-Keeney)
Poulos load-settlement curve
Pile reinforcement (BS, PN, IS, AS, ACI, GB, CSN, SNiP, etc.)
Analyze spatial earth pressures on circular shaft
Load calculation on flexible, semi-rigid and rigid shaft
Spatial earth pressure (V.G. Berezantsev, Cheng&Hu)
Uniform load correction (DIN V 4034-1 or СНиП II-94-80)
Surcharges around the shaft
Interaction between shaft lining and soil
Internal forces in walers by polygonal method (non-linear soil model), and reduction of uniform load on walers
Sheeting Design
Design non-anchored and anchored retaining walls with embedment lengths, internal forces and forces in anchors
Pile walls: Secant, Tangent and Contiguous walls
Soldier pile wall - steel (I, HEB)
Sheet pile walls: Vinyl (CMI, Everlast Synthetic Products); Steel (Skyline, Vítkovice Steel, Arcelor Mittal, Agastyl, Gerdau, ThyssenKrupp, Mer Lion Metals, Bethlehem Steel)
Concrete rectangular walls (Diaphragm walls, Milano walls)
Sheeting Check
Design embedded retaining walls including displacement of structure with elasto-plastic non-linear analysis (method)
Anchored, strutted and cantilevered walls
Anchors database: Pre-stressed bar anchors (VSL, ARCO, SAS, Dywidag), Strand anchors (VSL, Dywidag), Anchor bars (Minova, VSL), Helical anchors (MacLean, Chance), Deadman anchors
Anchor strength, pull-out resistance (soil or grouting)
Soil failure: heave and piping.
Finite Element Method modeling and analysis of terrain settlement, diaphragm walls, sheet pile, excavation analysis, slope stability, excavation analysis, displacements, internal forces in structural elements, stresses and strains, plastic zones in soil, pore pressure, etc.
Material models: Linear elastic, Modified elastic, Mohr-Coulomb, Modified Mohr-Coulomb with hardening/ softening, Drucker-Prager, Cam Clay, Hypoplastic model for clay
FEM – Consolidation
Perform time dependent settlement analysis under foundations, embankments and surface loads (surcharges).
Different permeability in the horizontal and vertical direction (anisotropic material)
Choose soil for consolidation process
Calculation of: soil deformation and settlement in time by external load; pore pressure and ground water table evolution
Constant/time-dependent load
Water Flow
Perform steady state or transient water flow analysis
Evolution and steady state of pore pressure distribution, degree of saturation in the unsaturated zone, seepage velocities and inflow/outflow through the model
Material models: Log-linear, Gardner, Van Genuchten
Boundary conditions: Impermeable line, Permeable line, Prescribed pore pressure, Prescribed inflow/outflow, Seepage surface
Design tunnel lining, system of anchors and rock bolts and grouting-strengthen regions.
Model linings: Beam elements (1D) or standard 2D elements
Use a relaxation factor to model 3D behavior during excavation
Hinged bearing ends of the beam elements
Temperature loads on the beams
Consider: lining shrinkage, soil swelling
Automatic generation of anchors fixed to the lining
Dynamic analysis of geotechnical structures loaded by ground motion
Displacements, stresses, internal forces, etc.
Modal analysis: eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes for setting material damping
Material damping: Damping ratio, Rayleigh damping coefficients
Accelerograms compatible with Eurocode 8 response
Boundary conditions